Saturday, April 10, 2010

Goodbye Cape Town....the Neighbours

Sandra & Martiene

Really nice people.

Sandra owns the block of 4 apartments next door and Martiene is her long time full time housekeeper. Martiene also looked after the property I rented and the owners unit below mine. Sandra's husband Jackie died last year and even though she wouldn't admit it, like many widows in her position, in her 80's and a bit frail, she appeared lonely and because I have big ears, I got the full family history including details of her husbands will. They have lived here about 30 years. They had 3 children who all live overseas in Australia and the US. One daughter and her husband own a chain of kid's shoe stores in Australia. This daughter phones her mother every day. I did help her with information on obtaining an Australian visitors visa as she wants to visit later this year.

Martiene held keys to my place and collected my mail when I was away. She is storing some of my stuff just in case I return later this year and so will not have to purchase again. This includes my bike helmet. The bike is being used by a bike shop for their rental business and in return will keep it stored and in good condition until I either decide to sell it ( they will do this ) or I return to Cape Town later.