Good Ol' Aussie Bureaucracy
My new Queensland Driver's Licence was waiting for me when I got back to Cape Town

Most Recent Visitor
Lyndsay, from the UK took advantage of my offer of accommodation in Cape Town and moved into my apartment 3 days before I got back from Tanzania. Then left the day after I arrived. I met Lyndsay on my 2007 China trip. She was a teacher then but has since retired. She had traveled down from Victoria Falls to Cape Town on almost an identical route to that I traveled in November though her group wasn't quite so good as mine as she had a "Gang of 6" unruly young Australians to contend with. By the time I got back, the only tourist site she had not visited in Cape Town was Lion's Head so we did the exercise in the early part of the day she departed. She may look at little exhausted in these photos but does have a good excuse. She did have a guide who had recently conquered the big African :
Intrepid Travel
Should anyone be contemplating traveling with Intrepid in Africa, be careful. I saw 2 Intrepid vehicles in Tanzania, one at our 1st campsite on the Serengeti tour, a good quality truck with the tour members staying in the motel units in the campsite and another branded Intrepid Guerba at the Ngorongoro crater rim campsite. This one was a worry and in no better condition than a cattle truck. Inwards facing bench seats along each side, poor visibility windows and the most crude ladder into the seating area. Absolutely terrible condition. Guerba has a long history in the "overland truck" business. I know they were a competitor of Encounter Overland when I traveled through South America in the 1980's. They were purchased by Intrepid within the last year.